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kawalerzysta desantowy

Dołączył: 27 Paź 2005
Posty: 1451
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Pomógł: 4 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Z mrocznej pieczary (Warszawa)
Pon 9:14, 22 Paź 2007 |
Uwaga, w tym temacie proszę umieścić tylko jednego posta, w następującym schemacie:
1. Ancient "Alfa" cq:4 exp:0 personalities:evasive(dodge 6+), urgent(+1SP), determined(+1SR), maternal craft:7 flights, Morden
2. Ancient "Omega" cq:4 exp:0 personalities:- craft:6 flights
3. Young "Beta" cq:4 exp:1 personalities:urgent(+1SP), resilient(+7HP) craft:2 flights
4. Young "Gamma" cq:5 exp:0 personalities:determined(+1SR) craft:2 flights
5. Stalker "Mietek" cq:3 exp:0 personalities:-
6. 1scout "Furi" cq:4 exp:0 personalities:aggresive(+1AD)
7. 2scout "Zdzichu" cq:3 exp:1 personalities:-
8. 3scout "Nina" cq:5 exp:0 personalities:urgent(+1SP), aggresive(+1AD), determined(+1SR), 2x maternal craft:2 flight
9. 4scout "Sara" cq:4 exp:2 personalities:urgent(+1SP), resilient(+2HP), determined(+1SR), maternal craft:1 flight
10. 12xfighter wing (3flights/wing) + 1 fighter flight
Admirał "Morden"
The Master Plan (2xVPS)
Lucky (rerolls)
Defensive Skill (Anti-fighter 1)
Rozwoje jeszcze posprawdzam, Sara ma chyba dodatkowy rzut...
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Misiołak dnia Pią 8:48, 14 Gru 2007, w całości zmieniany 12 razy
major major major

Dołączył: 27 Paź 2005
Posty: 1574
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: strzelają?
Pon 10:10, 22 Paź 2007 |
Earth Alliance
27 zespół wydzielony (TF 27)
1,2 battle = Warlock destr
3 battle = omega destr
4 battle = omega destr
5 battle = omega destr
6 battle = 1x hyperion cruiser, 1x olympus corvette, 2x hermes transport
7 battle = 1x avenger carrier, 1x olympus corvette, 2x hermes transport
8 battle = 1x avenger carrier, 1x olympus corvette, 1x oracle scout
9 battle = 2x nova dredzio
10 battle = 1x avenger carrier, 1x hyperion cruiser
u mnie jeszcze jedno
myśliwce w sumie 54 eskadry, 15x aurora, 39x thunderbolt
1. DDA 003 "Sorcerer" typ Warlock (4x thunderbolt) CQ:4 - XP0; Additional Weapons Fitted (+2AD beam, missile rack); Advanced Sensor Arrays (+1 do detekcji stealth); Reinforced Hull (+7 dmg -1Speed);
2. DD 018 "Thor" typ Omega (3x thunderbolt 1x aurora) CQ:6 - XP1; Advanced Jump Engine;
3. DD 005 "Viracocha" typ Omega (3x thunderbolt 1x aurora) CQ:4 - XP0; Advanced Focussing Lenses (beam); Long Range Targeting Systems (beam);
4. DD 026 "Athena" typ Omega (3x thunderbolt 1x aurora) CQ:5 - XP0; Additional Weapons Fitted (+2AD beam, F pulse cannon); Advanced Sensor Arrays (+1 do detekcji stealth); Long Range Targeting Systems (beam);
5. CVH 012 "Lexington" typ Avenger (6x thunderbolt; 2x aurora) CQ:4 - XP: 0; Long Range Targeting Systems (plasma cannon); Supercharged Thrusters (+1 Speed); Advanced Sensor Arrays (+1 do detekcji stealth);
6. CVH 002 "Zuikaku" typ Avenger (2x thunderbolt; 6x aurora) CQ:4 - XP:0; Long Range Targeting Systems (plasma cannon);
7. CVH 064 "Invicible" typ Avenger (4x thunderbolt; 4x aurora) CQ:5 - XP1; Advanced Sensor Arrays (+1 do detekcji stealth);
8. CH 085 "Gunichi Mikawa" typ Nova (3x thunderbolt; 1x aurora); CQ:4 - XP1; Additional Weapons Fitted (+2AD w F, P); Advanced Sensor Arrays (+1 do detekcji stealth); Enhanced Interceptor Network (+1 interceptor);
9. CH 031 "Reinhard Scheer" typ Nova (3x thunderbolt; 1x aurora) CQ:5 - XP1;
10. CA 115 "Beholder" typ Hyperion (1x thunderbolt) CQ:4 - XP1; Advanced Focussing Lenses (beam); Long Range Targeting Systems (beam); Advanced Sensor Arrays (+1 do detekcji stealth); Enhanced Interceptor Network (+1 interceptor);
11. CA 099 "Manticore" typ Hyperion (1x thunderbolt) CQ:4 - XP1; Enhanced Interceptor Network (+1 interceptor);
12. CS 015 "Aleister Crowley" typ Oracle CQ:4 - XP:0; Time in Orbit (+1 CQ do Stand Down and Prepare to be Boarded!);
13. CT 215 "Erebus" typ Olympus CQ:4 - XP0; Veteran Engineers; Extra Hanger x2 (1x thunderbolt; 1x aurora);
14. CT 157 "Mauna Loa" typ Olympus CQ:4 - XP:1; Flight Computer; Quick Loading Missiles;
- AO 135 "George S. Patton" typ Hermes (1x thunderbolt) CQ:4 - XP1; Psi Corpse (+1CQ)
- CT 068 "Santoryn" typ Olympus CQ:5; Veteran Engineers
- AO 047 "Erwin Rommel" typ Hermes CQ:4
- AO 075 "Norman Schwarzkopf" typ Hermes CQ:4
- AO 033 "Alexander Vandegrift" typ Hermes CQ:5; New Captain; Time in Orbit (+1 CQ do Stand Down and Prepare to be Boarded!)
15. DD 048 "Swiatowid" typ Omega Command (3x thunderbolt; 3x aurora) CQ:4 - XP:0;
16. DDA 00 "Conjurer" typ Warlock (4x thunderbolt) CQ:4 - XP0;
17. SS 007 "Johannes Kepler" typ Explorer (3x thunderbolt; 3x aurora) CQ:5 - XP:0; Enhanced Interceptor Network (+1 interceptor);
18. CS 056 "David Copperfield" typ Oracle CQ:4 - XP:1; Psi Corpse (+1CQ);
19. CS 090 "Israel Regardie" typ Oracle CQ:4 - Xp:0;
20. CS 095 "Jan Twardowski" typ Oracle CQ:? - Xp:0;
21. CT 099 "Mount St. Helen" typ Olympus CQ:5 - XP:1; Supercharged Thrusters (+1 Speed);
22. CT 103 "Krakatau" typ Olympus CQ:4 - XP1;
23. CT 105 "Pinatubo" typ Olympus CQ:? - XP0;
24. CM 007 "Fate" typ Sagittarius CQ:4 - XP:1; Advanced Sensor Arrays (+1 do detekcji stealth); Additional Weapons Fitted (+2AD P missile rack);
25. AO 267 "Douglas MacArthur" typ Hermes (1x thunderbolt) CQ:4 - XP:1; Elite Psi Corps Operative (+1 inicjatywa);
26. AO 121 "Vasily Chuikov" typ Hermes (1x thunderbolt) CQ:4 - New Captain; Psi Corpse (+1CQ); Time in Orbit (+1 CQ do Stand Down and Prepare to be Boarded!);
27. AO 093 "Ahmad Shah Massoud" typ Hermes (1x aurora) CQ:4 - Xp:0;
28. AO 045 "Harry Schmidt" typ Hermes (1x aurora) CQ:4 - Xp:0;
29. AO 203 "Szamil Basajew" typ Hermes (1x aurora) CQ:3 - Xp:0;
30. AO 188 "Bernard Montgomery" typ Hermes (1x thunderbolt) CQ:5 - Xp:0;
31. AO 122 "Heinz Guderian" typ Hermes (1x thunderbolt) CQ:? - Xp:0;
101 skrzydło myśliwskie 1x aurora
- AO 066 "Robert E. Lee" typ Hermes CQ: 4
- AO 067 "Yeshayahu Gavish" typ Hermes CQ:4
W sumie 76 skrzydeł myśliwskich: 48x thunderbolt 28x aurora
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Ostatnio zmieniony przez luki dnia Pon 12:14, 17 Gru 2007, w całości zmieniany 30 razy
Brat Księcia Felicjana
Dołączył: 18 Paź 2007
Posty: 571
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Warsaw City, Mokotou
Wto 21:37, 23 Paź 2007 |
25 Flota Badawcza Konglomeratu Vree:
01. W01ZT Z'Takk-class Command Saucer "Xe'noxx" (6) (Tzymm 4/4 Zorth 1/1) - Extra hangar, Admirał
02. B01XO Xonn-class Dreadnaught "Varrxinn" (5) - +2 AD dla A-M Cannon
03. S02XO Xorr-class War Saucer "X'trax" (5) - Extreme Manoeuvrability, Veteran Engeeners, Turbo Weapons (triple dmg.) na A-M Cannon
04. S03XO Xorr-class War Saucer "Nii'xeeth" (5) - Long range na Twin A-M Cannon, New Captain
05. S04XO Xorr-class War Saucer "Z'raax'inn" (4) - [1 XD] - Long range na Twin A-M Cannon
06. S03XI Xixx-class Torpedo Saucer "V'riith" (6) - Long Range na A-M Torpedo
07. S05XI Xixx-class Torpedo Saucer "Xott'viir" (?) (Tzymm 1/1) - Extra hangar - [1 dmg]
08. S02XE Xeel-class War Carrier "Zox'vee" (4) (Tzymm 1/4) - [1 XD]
09. S01VA Vaarl-class Scout Saucer "Vi'toth" (5) - [1 XD] - Flight Computer
10. S02VA Vaarl-class Scout Saucer "Vi'zarth" (5) (Tzymm 1/1) - [1 XD] - Extra hangar, Extreme Manoeuvrability
11. S03XE Xeel-class War Carrier "Zox'Nin" (7) (Tzymm 4/4) - [1 XD] - Adept Telepaths, Veteran Engeeners
12. S03VA Vaarl-class Scout Saucer "Vi'Narth" (6)
13. S04XE Xeel-class War Carrier "Zox'tar'th" (5) (Tzymm 3/3 Zorth 1/1) - [1 XD]
14. S01VA Vaarka-class Escort Scout "N'itix" aka "Strong" (5) - [1 XD]
15. S07XI Xixx-class Torpedo Saucer (?)
16. S08XI Xixx-class Torpedo Saucer (?)
17. S09XI Xixx-class Torpedo Saucer (?)
18. S05XE Xeel-class War Carrier (?) (Tzymm 3/3, Zorth 1/1)
19. S06XE Xeel-class War Carrier (?) (Tzymm 3/3, Zorth 1/1)
20. Strike Carrier (?) (Delta V2 4/4)
21. Modified Freighter (?) - 6 Troops
22. Modified Frieghter (?) - 6 Troops
-S03VA Vaarka-class Escort Scout "Nin'zoth"
-P01XI Ximm-class Close Escort "Ort'vizz"
-B01XA Xaak-class Command Saucer "Xe'xoth" - +10% Dmg, -1 speed, +2 AD dla A-M Torpedo, Adept Telepaths
-S01XI Xixx-class Torpedo Saucer "Vee'xizz" - +4 AD dla A-M Torpedo, +1 DC
-S02XI Xixx-class Torpedo Saucer "Xarn'tzix" - Long Range Targeting System dla A-M Torpedo
-S01XE Xeel-class War Carrier "Zox'ith" (Tzymm 4/4) - +2 Speed, Adept Telepaths
-P01XA Xaar-class Patrol Boat "N'xirr"(Tzymm 1/1) - Extra hangar, Advanced sensor arrays
-R01XI Xill-class Battle Saucer "Nabi'nih'zorr"
-W02ZT Z'Takk-class Command Saucer "Xe'nizz" (Tzymm 3/3 Zorth 1/1)
-S02VA Vaarka-class Escort Scout "Zx'xiix"
-P02XI Ximm-class Close Escort "Ort'zivv"
-S05XO Xorr-class War Saucer "Na'xith'zarr" - +2 AD dla Twin A-M Cannon
-P02XA Xaar-class Patrol Boat "Tr'nixx" - New Captain
-P03XA Xaar-class Patrol Boat "N'orth"
-S04XI Xixx-class Torpedo Saucer "Tz'xozz" - Long Range Targeting System dla A-M Torpedo
-B02XA Xaak-class Command Saucer "Xe'zarth"
-S06XO Xorr-class War Saucer "Zeeth'ver" - +2 AD dla Twin A-M Cannon
-B03XA Xaak-class Command Saucer "Xe'tahl"
-S06XI Xixx-class Torpedo Saucer "Valtzzirr"
-S01XO Xorr-class War Saucer "Veeriiz"
Z1. Zorth Light Fighter "Alpha" 3/3
Z2. Zorth Light Fighter "Beta" 1/3
Z3. Zorth Light Fighter "Gamma" 0/3
Z4. Zorth Light Fighter "Delta" 0/3
T1. Tzymm Heavy Fighter "Epsilon" 0/3
T2. Tzymm Heavy Fighter "Kappa" 0/3
T3. Tzymm Heavy Fighter "Omicron" 0/3
T4. Tzymm Heavy Fighter "Sigma" 0/3
T5. Tzymm Heavy Fighter "Omega" 0/3
Admirał "Zith'Veel'Saakaar":
- Lucky (rerolls)
- Inspired Command (+ do init.)
- Meticolous Planner (init. przy rozstawianiu x2)
Podmiana CQ nastąpiła pomiędzy Xixx-class Torpedo Saucer "Valtzzirr" a Z'Takk-class Command Saucer "Xe'noxx"
Vree Conglomerate:
1, 2 Battle => Z'Takk-class Command Saucer
3 Battle => Xonn-class Dreadnaught
4 Battle => Xaak-class Command Saucer
5 Battle => Xaak-class Command Saucer
6 Battle => Xorr-class War Saucer x4
7 Battle => Xixx-class Torpedo Saucer x4
8 Battle => Xixx-class Torpedo Saucer x2
Xeel-class War Carrier
Xaar-class Patrol Boat x2
9 Battle => Xeel-class War Carrier
Vaarl-class Scout Saucer x2
Xaar-class Patrol Boat
Tzymm Heavy Fighter Filght
10 Battle => Tzymm Heavy Fighter Filght x4
Zorth Light Fighter Flight x4
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Czarli dnia Pią 21:42, 14 Gru 2007, w całości zmieniany 29 razy

Dołączył: 27 Paź 2005
Posty: 1016
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 4 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Śro 14:22, 24 Paź 2007 |
5. Azathoth typ Ma’cu Carrier 4 (gohome - v)
8. -> Arwassa typ Sa’ria’stor Light Raider 4(1 exp)
10. Nyarlathotep typ Ma’cu Carrier 5 (Long Range Targeting Systems: Heavy Neutron Cannon.)(1 dmg)
11. -> Baoht typ Ria’stor Heavy Raider (LII:) 5 (Strike Force)
12. -> Basatan typ Ria’stor Heavy Raider (LI:I) 5 (Vital Mission)
13. -> Bokrug typ Sa’ria’stor Light Raider 4 (L:I:)(Whispers from the Shadows)
25. -> Othuyeg typ Kama’re Scout 5 (II)(Vital mission, 1 exp)
15. Shub-Niggurath typ Ma’cu Carrier (F) 3 (1exp)
17. -> Chaugnar Faugn typ Sa’ria’stor Light Raider 5 (Warmongering)
18. -> Coatlicue typ Sa’ria’stor Light Raider 4 (Superior Strategic Position: Faulty Jump Gate)
19. -> Cynothoglys typ Sa’ria’stor Light Raider 5 (????)
9. -> Atlach-Nacha typ Sa’ria’stor Light Raider 5 (1 exp)
20. Ubbo-Sathla typ Ma’cu Carrier (C) 6
21. -> Ghisguth typ Ria’stor Heavy Raider (CII:) (1exp)4
22. -> Glaaki typ Ria’stor Heavy Raider (CI:I) (1exp)4
23. -> Gloon typ Ria’stor Heavy Raider (C:II) (1exp)4
24. -> Gog-Hoor typ Ria’stor Heavy Raider (C:I:) (1exp)2
27. Tsathoggua typ Kama’re Sas Patrol Cruiser (5 dmg, 9 crew) 5 (Vital mission, 1 exp)
28. Shudde M'ell typ Kama’re Sas Patrol Cruiser 4 (7 dmg. 7 crew) (Diverting Raid)
32. Kadath typ Amu mothership 4 (gohome - IV)
34. -> Assatur typ Sa’dravash Light Cruiser 4
35. -> Kaiwan typ Sa’dravash Light Cruiser 4
37. Loigor - Ria’stor Gris Fast Destroyer 4 (Additional Weapons Fitted: pulse cannon)
1. R'lyeh typ Amu mothership 5
2. -> Cthulhu typ Dra’Vash Cruiser 6
3. -> Cthugha typ Sa’dravash Light Cruiser 6
4. -> Cthylla typ Sa’dravash Light Cruiser 5
6. -> Ammutseba typ Ria’stor Heavy Raider 5
7. -> Aphoom-Zhah typ Ria’stor Heavy Raider 4
14. -> Bugg-Shash typ Sa’ria’stor Light Raider 3
31. -> Yibb-Tstll typ Sa’ria’stor Light Raider 4
16. -> Caug-Narfagn typ Sa’ria’stor Light Raider 4
6. Hziulquoigmnzhah typ Kama’re Scout 4
29. Summanus typ Kama’re Sas Patrol Cruiser 4
30. Yog-Sothoth typ Ria’vash Strike Cruiser (Cruiser Variant) 4
33. -> Hastur typ Dra’Vash Cruiser 4
36. Zhar - Ria’stor Gris Fast Destroyer 4
38. Y'golonac - Kama’re Scout 5
39. Yhoundeh - Kama’re Scout 4
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Ostatnio zmieniony przez jimmor dnia Nie 9:33, 25 Lis 2007, w całości zmieniany 12 razy
emerytowany porucznik

Dołączył: 24 Paź 2007
Posty: 364
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 1/5
Pią 8:00, 26 Paź 2007 |
Narn Regime (na okrętach są Frazi):
Narn Regime: CQ NAME Special EX
1. typ G'Vrahn 5 Book of G’Kar + 8Damage – 1 Speed [/color]
2. typ G'Vrahn 4 Rag’ Na’ Rok
3. typ G'Quan 6 Will of Narn
4. typ G'Tal 4 Prophet War Leader G’Sten
5. typ Dag'Kar 4 Freedom + 1CQ – Come About! [1EX]
6. typ G'Karith 4 Warrior + 2AD – Light Pulse Cannon Port (uszkodzenia 5/6) [1EX]
7. typ T'Loth 5 Sword [1EX]
8. typ T'Rann 5 Will [1EX]
9. typ Var’Nic 4 Frenzy
10. typ Var’Nic 4 Fury + 1vs Stealth
11. typ Ka'Tan 4 Ka’ Tan (uszkodzenia 2/2)
12. typ Ka'Tan 4 Wa’ Kisashi
13. typ Ka'Toc 4 C’ Trumph Top Gun
14. typ Ka'Toc 4 C’ Grudge Order from Kha Ri - double VPs
15. typ T'Rakk 5 T’ Dragg
16. typ Sho'Kov 4 Sho’Gar [1EX]
17. typ Sho'Kov 4 Sho’Kar [1EX]
18. Frazi 2 grupy myśliwców
19. Frazi 5 grup myśliwców
20. Gorith 5 grup myśliwców
21. Gorith 5 grup myśliwców
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
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